Home of the friendliest Two-Toed Sloth in the Mid-Atlantic region!
Sort of a hang out for Two-Toed Sloths.
Two-Toed Sloths are known to rehearse plays on the grounds. If you happen upon a rehearsal, it is recommend that you hold any notes or criticism until after the rehearsal concludes.
Explore the James River in style, comfort, and safety, in a snorkling expedition guided by licensed Two and Three Toed Sloths.
While not known for their aquatic capabilities, Sloths are an adaptable lot, and when wearing fins they swim like the dickens.
No need to bring your own masks, fins, or snorkle, the Sloths will have you covered. They fashion their own out of sticks and twigs found along the river bank.
A lunch of grubs and Fig Newtons will be provided.